Women to Control Chapter 4 By Hypno User I knew that we would have to explore real bondage ses sions with these girls, and also with less-willing partners. After all, there is much to be said about the bondage of wil ling but uncooperative naked women. I knew that my girl friends would be wonderful subjects, but I wanted to have women under my physical control that weren't totally under my mental control. My girlfriends would definitely be a help in choosing and capturing my unwilling partners in bondage. That help came the next day. We made it a habit to eat at the cafeteria even though the food wasn't as good as a restaurant simply because there is no other place in town where the collection of single women is greatest. I instruc ted my girls to look for and suggest women for my next pro ject. Leslie found the perfect woman for me. She was around six feet tall, yet she was beautifully proportioned. Her breasts were large but they didn't appear to sag. Her legs seemed to never end, and she had the look of a person who regularly exercised. Her brunette hair was breast length with a slight curl. Her name was Krista. She was physically beautiful, of course, but the reason I was attracted to her for this project was because she was reported to be very, very independent. She never let anyone get in her way, which is one reason why she did so well in school. Her goal of being a lawyer consumed her to the point of never dating. I felt that leaving her like this would be such a waste, so I prepared a very special tape for her . Early Saturday afternoon after the noon meal I went to my special sound booth at home. I prepared my tape for Krista with only a few specific commands. The first was that she have an overwhelming desire to be physically tied up. This would be more important than even her schoolwork. The second command was that she was to seek me out to persuade me to fulfill her desires. She was not to discuss this with anyone else, and in only the bondage was I able to control her. Any other control would be by mutual consent. The third was that even though she would try to get loose after I put her in tight bondage, she would love it the more that I did it. I played the tape at the evening meal, and made sure that she saw me leave the building with my girlfriends. She knew that I was going home, and I knew that she would follow me. Sure enough, her car pulled into my driveway shortly af ter we settled into my home. "May I speak to you privately, Tom? I have something important to discuss with you." she said in a business-like manner. "Of course." I said. I led her to my study. She was wearing a full length skirt with a loosely fitting blouse. Her attire did not become someone who was obviously physically beautiful. "What can I do for you?" I asked rhetorically. "Tom, I hear that you, uh, I don't know how to say this, but do you t-tie women who, uh, want to be tied?" "The term is bondage, and yes I do that for a price. How did you know about me?" I asked. "I'm not sure. I just know. Do you charge for this sort of thing?" "Well, let's just say that you get what you want, and I get what I want." I said. "I need to know what you want. I want you to tie me." she said. "I want you nude, now." I said. I want to see what I have to work with." "No! Absolutely not. I'm not going to submit to that." she exclaimed as she rose to her feet. She began to walk out, but her desire for bondage took over. She turned to me and said, "May I strip just to my panties and bra?" "Take off your bra, too" I demanded. She hesitated, then with a look of resignation began to take off her clothes. I watched as she stepped out of her skirt and unbuttoned her blouse. She folded them neatly and put them on my desk. She looked at me as if in final protest, then began to reach be hind her to unsnap her bra. "Let me do that" I said. "No!" she said willfully. "Then leave my home." I said unmoving. "Wait." she said. "It's just that no man had ever seen me like this before. Please let me do this myself. I'll strip for you." she pleaded. "Then I want to be behind you to cup them." "All right" she said with reservation. I walked up be hind her as she unsnapped her bra. I took it from her and let it drop to the floor. I eased my arms underneath her armpits and circled her breasts with my palms. Her nipples became erect as I gently stroked them. "You must like this." I said in a satisfied tone. "Please tie me up now!" she begged. "If I do, you'll be completely at my mercy. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" I said as I jiggled her breasts. "Yes, please!" "Very well. Come with me." I led her down to my basement. There was an overhead beam of wood positioned in the center of the room, and I was able to tie her arms in an upright position there. I tied her legs in a spread position by long tight ropes attached to poles at the sides of the room. As I tightened the ropes she began to fight me. I was barely able to get them tight before she was straining at the ropes, trying in earnest to break free. "I'm going to break free, you know that." she said as she tested and tugged at her bonds. "No, I don't think so." I said as I walked up to her. I stood with my face up to her nipples and began to suck one. It became hard as I deliciously licked her to nipple ecstasy. Her head began bobbing up and down near mine, so I decided to make my bondage model more interesting. I walked over to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a rub ber helmet with a ball gag attached to it. I pulled her hair so that her head would stay still, then I quickly thrust it on her head. "What are you doing?" were the last words that she uttered as I forced the gag in her mouth and tightened it securely. Her muffled sounds were all that I heard as I tightened the leather straps to the overhead beam to limit her head's movement. "You know, the sight of you really overwhelms me." I said to her. "I must really get your image for posterity." I walked over to the next room to fetch my video camera and tripod. I set it up a few yards away from her, much against her muffled protests. "I told you that you were at my mercy. Relax. You're very photogenic, I'm sure." As I pushed the record button, Rita and Sandy walked down the stairs. "I thought I heard some sounds down here" said Rita as she led Sandy by a tether tied to her neck. "Would you like some company?" "Yes, I could use some help. Would you please slip Kris ta's panties down as far as they will go?" I asked. Rita turned to Sandy. "You heard the master." she barked. Sandy humbly walked over to Krista and pulled her last article of clothing as far down as she could, much a gainst Krista's protests. Her virgin wool was there for all of us to see. I walked over to Krista to get a better view of her most private region. With her legs stretched apart her cunt was open, just waiting for my pleasure. I took my hand and cautiously touched her unshaven pubic hair, then pressed against her flesh gingerly, searching for her special opening. Her clit was just a small nub, and I massaged it gently and purposely and I waited until I felt her natural lubrication. All the while I noticed her struggling less and less, and enjoying the experience more and more. I motioned for Rita and whispered in her ear. She ordered Sandy to search a drawer, and soon came over with a vibrator and a tube of K-Y jelly. Even prim and proper Krista knew what was in store for her. I spread the jelly liberally on the upper third of the vibrator, then turned it on. Her body seemed to tense a bit at the sound of the devise, as if she had heard the sound before. She strained at her bonds again as I moved the foreign object near her private regions, but this time to help facilitate it's entry. I slowly twisted it and pushed gently and when it was partially inside her, I turned it on. I moved it in and out with one hand, and rubbed her clit with the other. She started to move in time with ny motions, and I knew that if I let her, she would experience an orgasm. I didn't want her to just yet, so after about five minutes of teasing her, I withdrew the vibrator, much against her protests.